Stakeholder Engagement

Do you worry too much about ethical and ‘sustainable’ rankings?

Tobias Webb, (Dec 7, 2009)

As corporate responsibility becomes ever more complex and wide-ranging, issue-specific comparisons of companies are a much better way to go than the overall 'green' rankings and 'responsible' indexes, argues Toby Webb

Asda and sustainability – Better things in store?

Ben Cooper, (Dec 1, 2009)

Asda’s bold consumer empowerment drive has the company convinced that it is on the right track. Some campaigners remain to be impressed

Facilitation payments – The cost of greasing the wheel

Oliver Wagg, (Dec 1, 2009)

Small-scale bribery is endemic in many business cultures. Can it be stopped? And if it was, would it make any difference?

Climate change and forestry analysis: REDD is the new green

EC Newsdesk, (Nov 30, 2009)

Mark Rose, chief executive of pioneering international conservation organisation Fauna & Flora International, answers the critics of plans for the Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation mechanism and explains why it must be given a chance to work if we are to avert catastrophic climate change

A case study of a different approach to CSR reporting: BAM Nuttall

Mallen Baker, (Nov 19, 2009)

Mallen Baker looks at how companies can be more original and engaging in corporate responsibility reporting. Supposing you put to one side the rules about how you're supposed to produce a CSR or sustainability report. Supposing you started with almost a blank page and focused on what might make the people you most want to communicate with actually read your report. What would that look

Essay: Patagonia’s steep route to success

EC Newsdesk, (Nov 11, 2009)

John Mullins and Randy Komisar explore how one company’s experience provides lessons for good management practice in difficult economic times

China column – Bye-bye backhanders

Paul French, (Nov 11, 2009)

China’s initiative on removing corruption in tendering for public contracts are a victory for transparency, says Paul French, China editor

Ecomafia – Dirty business

EC Newsdesk, (Nov 11, 2009)

Organised criminals are exploiting lucrative waste disposal markets, with serious environmental consequences

Analysis: US politics – Climate change on trial

Jeni Bauser Yaghoubi, (Nov 11, 2009)

Human impact on the environment may have to be proved in a US court

By invitation: Socially responsible investment – SRI’s big debate

EC Newsdesk, (Nov 11, 2009)

Christine Arena asks if the SRI industry is doing its job properly

The contrarian – Sifting oil sands for grains of truth

Jon Entine, (Nov 10, 2009)

Is oil from tar sands a climate crime, as activists claim? It’s an argument at the heart of debate between energy security and environmental security, says Jon Entine

Biochar – Black environmental gold

Zara Maung, (Nov 10, 2009)

Organic chocolate manufacturer Green & Black’s is pioneering biochar, a new carbon-storage strategy

Academic news: Business school bulletin – November 2009

Oliver Balch, (Nov 10, 2009)

Fast food calorie content, whether to allow shareholder proposals and the psychology of gifting

Car manufacturing – People-driven performance

Giles Gibbons, (Nov 10, 2009)

When the going gets tough working with people and communities makes it easier to keep going without major conflict says Giles Gibbons

Sustainability news roundup – November 2009

EC Newsdesk, (Nov 10, 2009)

Moves from European Investment Bank, Qatar Airways, Ecuador-Chevron and all the latest from other brands in corporate responsibility and sustainability this month

Certification: Forest Stewardship Council – In need of a polish

Rajesh Chhabara, (Nov 10, 2009)

The Forest Stewardship Council is under pressure from environmental activists to reform its sustainable forestry certification system

Analysis: Tesco – Landfill leadership questioned

Ben Cooper, (Nov 10, 2009)

Tesco has diverted 100% of its UK waste away from landfill but has failed to win over sceptics

GE 2008 Citizenship Report – Resetting reporting

EC Newsdesk, (Nov 9, 2009)

GE’s reporting remains ahead of the game

Coca-Cola Enterprises: 2008 Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Report – Getting a taste for it

Kyle Whitaker, (Nov 4, 2009)

The bottler of Coca-Cola’s brands demonstrates reporting fizz

Green league tables – Too blunt an instrument?

Mallen Baker, (Nov 4, 2009)

Mallen Baker argues that environmental rankings often fail to seek out innovation
