Heathrow has just released the latest in its series of briefings 'Towards a sustainable Heathrow'. This new issue provides ‘a focus on waste’.

Heathrow generates an amount of waste similar to that produced by all households and businesses of a large town. In addition to this, large quantities of construction and demolition waste are created through rebuilding Heathrow’s infrastructure.

‘A focus on waste’ provides an insight into which Heathrow activities generate waste, what types of waste are created, and how it is disposed of. 

Highlights include:

  • > More than  90% of the waste generates by demolition Heathrow’s old Terminal 2 was recycled and used in other construction projects.
  • > How less than 10% of waste managed through Heathrow Airport Limited’s waste contract is being sent to landfill and less than 5% of this is untreated waste.
  • > What is being done to increase Heathrow’s recycling rates, including reprocessing used cooking oil into biodiesel, composting green waste and recycling  waste collected at airport security.
  • > Why the risk of contamination from international catering waste presents a significant challenge to recycling more aircraft cabin waste.

As the UK's only hub airport, Heathrow has committed to delivering a sustainable airport:  enhancing the economic impact that it provides, while minimising the negative impacts of airport operations on local communities and the environment.

Heathrow's series of sustainability briefings 'Towards a Sustainable Heathrow' provide regular insights into how Heathrow works with airport companies and other partners to manage sustainability performance.

Other briefings in the series include a focus on climate change, air quality, noise, employment, training & skills and the economy.  Future briefings planned for 2011 include a focus on safety.


Towards a Sustainable Heathrow briefings are available at http://www.heathrowairport.com/sustainability

To provide feedback or request further information, contact Iain Groark, Head of Sustainability.

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